lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

ONE ACTION for reducing global poverty and adressing climate change.


Although the financial crisis of the last two years was caused by bankers in rich countries, many people in developing countries were badly affected - over 50 million more people were plunged into poverty as a result. Europe's leaders have a chance to redress the balance when they meet this month, when they will discuss how they might raise money from new financial regulations, to pay for any future bail outs governments might give them.

I just signed a petition asking the President of the European Commission to ensure leaders agree to dedicate a substantial percentage of any money raised from financial regulations to go towards reducing global poverty and addressing climate change.

Please join me by taking action here:


You can read more about it from a recent entry in this blog: For a 2010 with less hunger

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

Good News!! Fewer maternal and child deaths than we thought!!

Death rates among women in childbirth in developing countries have dropped by a third in the last 28 years.
Read more at the Guardian

Child deaths worldwide seem to have fallen faster than officials thought, as a new study estimates far fewer children are dying every year than previously guessed by the United Nations.

Read more at The Guardian

These two Millennium Development Goals are more achievable.
Read more from the last Summit on the Millennium Development Goals (September 2010)